Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Scheduled meeting of the presidium

Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Scheduled meeting of the presidium

On January 19, 2023, a scheduled meeting of the presidium was held at the «StekloSouz» Association of Russia, chaired by President Viktor Osipov.

Heads of departments of «StekloSouz» made presentations.

The preliminary results of the production of glass and products for 2022 were announced, including the state of exports of glass products.

The work plans for 2023 of the departments were considered:

- sheet glass and industrial processing of sheet glass;

- glass containers;

- medical glass.

Particular attention was paid to the work of TK 041 in modern conditions. Decisions have been made.

The glass industry development program for 2023 has been approved.

The next meeting of the presidium will be held on January 25, 2023. The work plans of the Scientific and Technical Center (STC SSR), the WG for the production of technical glass, the participation of the StekloSoyuz Association of Russia in the chemical and technological cluster will be considered.

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