Deadline for introducing a ban on the production of plastic goods

Deadline for introducing a ban on the production of plastic goods

Ministry of Natural Resources: a ban on the production of plastic goods will be introduced in Russia in 2024.

The authorities plan to introduce a final ban on the production of disposable plastic goods in Russia in 2024. The term by which the measure will be adopted was announced by the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov. TASS reports.

The head of the department made such a statement at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), which is taking place in Vladivostok. “We propose to introduce the ban gradually so that production can be reorganized. It should be final in 2024, ”Kozlov explained.

Earlier, the situation with waste processing in the country was assessed by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova. Among the problems, she named the lack of waste processing facilities and their complete absence in some regions. The head of the department said that Russia will inevitably come to a complete rejection of non-recyclable colored plastic.


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