Congratulations to Yuri Dzhimovich Clegg on his anniversary!

Congratulations to Yuri Dzhimovich Clegg on his anniversary!

Today Clegg Yury Dzhimovich is the chairman of the board of directors of Stekloholding LLC.

On behalf of the "StekloSouz" Association of Russia and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate Yuri Dzhimovich on a wonderful 70th birthday!

You have gone through a lot, with your work made a huge contribution to the development of the domestic glass industry, you have many victories and achievements on your account.

I wish that there are also many successes and conquered peaks ahead. I wish you to live according to your own schedule of happiness and realize your plans and cherished dreams without any obstacles.

I wish you good health, Yuri Dzhimovich, a positive spirit and many, many happy days. May loving and understanding people always be with you.


President of the "StekloSouz" Association

Victor Osipov

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