A glass cluster will be created in the Vladimir region

A glass cluster will be created in the Vladimir region

On April 20, the head of the region, Alexander Avdeev, visited the Krasnoye Ekho plant in the Gus-Khrustalny district and the Magistral LTD plant in the city of Gus-Khrustalny. Both enterprises are the flagships of the glass industry in the Vladimir region, which have taken a course on import substitution in the face of Western economic sanctions.

One of the leaders of the Russian glass container market, the Krasnoye Ekho plant, like many other industrial enterprises in the country, faced difficulties associated with rising prices for raw materials, logistics, unavailability of software, and the impossibility of importing equipment and spare parts.

- There are about 48 factories in the whole country that produce such container glass. No more than ten can be considered large, and four of them are in our region, Alexander Avdeev emphasized. - In general, there are eight glass productions of various types in the region. The Red Echo enterprise shows that by constantly investing in R&D and research, it is possible to achieve the replacement of imported components. Such production can be organized here and now, on the territory of this plant - for the entire glass industry of the country. We will help this production both with personnel and with participation in the programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The enterprise intends to intensify the process of import substitution, as well as to solve the emerging difficulties with the least losses for production. The region is ready to help in every possible way. Together with partners in the food industry, a program is being developed to replace imported glass containers with domestic ones. In addition, the issue will be resolved with the flagship university of the region - VlSU - on the training of engineering and technical personnel, since they are urgently needed at the plant. The issue of developing residential and social infrastructure in the village is being discussed with the district authorities in order to attract these personnel here.

Alexander Avdeev also visited the main production site of the Magistral LTD plant, which manufactures armored, protective glass and triplex for armored cash-in-transit vehicles, police and military equipment, ships and VIP cars. The company is going to increase production volumes by 25 percent in the near future. The resources for this will be government orders, regional support measures, the active participation of the enterprise in the implementation of the region's investment development program, as well as the mechanisms of the national project "Labor Productivity and Employment Support".

- The issue of creating a cluster of glass producers is long overdue. Now there is a request for this from the federal authorities, who are ready to support such an association in order to jointly resolve the issue with raw materials, logistics, production and maintenance of equipment, with training, - Alexander Avdeev explained. - We agreed that we will start creating such a cluster, such a center of competence here in Gus-Khrustalny. According to my estimates, it will include at least 30 enterprises of the Vladimir region - not only those who produce glass, but also those who mine and prepare dolomite, are engaged in sand mining, produce containers, train personnel, work with electronics, "stuffing" for equipment .

According to the head of the region, such a cluster will be much more effective than if everyone solves their own problems one by one.

Source: https://rg.ru/

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