Dagestan Glass Container plant to increase productivity up to 80 percent

Dagestan Glass Container plant to increase productivity up to 80 percent

The total investment in the project for the construction of a workshop and a glass furnace will amount to 1 billion 608 million rubles.

The plant "Dagestan Steklo Tara" in the city of Dagestan Lights will increase production capacity up to 80% for import substitution. This will be possible thanks to the construction of a new workshop and a glass furnace, Jalal Urudzhev, the company's chief economist, told TASS.

"We are implementing the project using borrowed funds from the Russian Industry Development Fund, the total investment for the project is 1 billion 608 million rubles, 20% of which are our own funds, 80% are borrowed under the guarantee of VTB Bank. These funds will be used to build a workshop and a glass furnace, equipment for the production of high-quality glass containers has been installed, which will increase productivity by up to 80%," Urudzhev said.

According to him, the enterprise will produce lightweight glass containers with increased strength. As Urudzhev noted, there is already an increased demand for manufactured products.

"The main buyers of our products are enterprises in the south of Russia. Also, products are supplied to the near abroad, such countries as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. In recent years, our products have been supplied to the central part of Russia, to cities such as Moscow, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov Region ", - said Urudzhev.


The Dagestan Steklo Container plant is an enterprise of the Dagestan Lights monotown, which is a major supplier of glass containers in the North Caucasus Federal District, 70-75% of its products are sold on the domestic market, 25-30% for export. The volume of shipped goods in 2021 amounted to 60 thousand tons of glass containers. By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the products manufactured by the enterprise are included in the plan for import substitution in the industry of building materials and building structures until 2025.

Source: https://tass.ru/

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