The code

Confirmed by the
Common Assembly of
The United National
The glass industry
enterprises "Steklosoiuz"

THE CODE of conduct of the officials and members of the United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz".

Chapter 1. General regulations.

Article 1.

Following concepts are used in the present code :

officials of The United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" are citizens of the Russian Federation holding a paid post in The United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" on a professional basis, performing functions of orgaanization, administration and management and carrying out the realization of full powers of "Steklosoiuz";

members of The United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" are officials and representatives of the juridical persons included in The United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz";

an improper advantage is any advantage of any property or improperty character being given by any people concerned to the officials or members of The United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" for using their official authority dispite the interests and tasks of " Steklosoiuz"( further "Steklosoiuz");

rules of the official conduct are rules of an appropriate behaviour, providing conscientious performance of official duties on the basis of the conformity of the official conduct with accepted ethical standards.

Article 2.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz" realize their activities on the basis of the principles of integrity, impartiality, justice, propriety, conscientiousness, loyalty and responsibility.

Article 3.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz must observe the law of the Russian Federation, international agreements of the Russian Federation and also accepted standards and principles of Russian and international law in their activities. Non- observence of the indicated requirements entails responsibility in the order established by the law of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Rules of the official conduct.

Article 4.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz carry out their official authorities in conformity with tasks and purposes of "Steklosoiuz".

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz must act impartially for the good of "Steklosoiuz", carry out their rights and discharge duties in respect of "Steklosoiuz" conscientiously and reasonably, taking the interests of "Steklosoiuz" and objective circumstances into consideration.

Article 5.

Deriving an improper advantage by the officials and members of "Steklosoiuz is not allowed. The indicated people should not let the prospects of deriving an improper advantage influence the adoption of an unjust decisions or illegitimate activity ( inactivity).

Article 6.

During the realization of the official rights and duties preponderating of personal interests and also showing preference to any person or group of people or organizations not concerned in successful realization of the purposes, tasks and functions of "Steklosoiuz"is not allowed.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz must take into consideration rights, duties and legal interests of all the participants in the activity of " Steklosoiuz".

Article 7.

In case of a personal financial interest of an official or a member of "Steklosoiuz" in a deal , which makes a negative influence on the legal interests of "Steklosoiuz" or if it may turn out to be so, also in case of any other clash of interests of the indicated people and "Steklosoiuz", the person under consideration must inform the board of directors of "Steklosoiuz" to regulate possible contradiction.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz are considered personally or financially interested if they or their husband or wife, parents, children, brothers or sisters:

  • are party of the deal or participate in it as a representative or an agent;
  • are stockholders of the juridical person, which is a party of the deal;
  • hold a post in the board or administration of the juridical person, which is a party of the deal.

Article 8.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz must ensure confidentiality of information, commercial or professional secrecy that becomes known to them in connection with realization of the official duties. Announcement or employment of official information is restricted by the federal law.

The observed people should not try to gain access to official information outside their competence. It is forbidden to use improperly the information obtained by the officials and members of "Steklosoiuz" in the performance of their duties or in connection with them.

Article 9.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz " must give the board of directors an account of the resalt of their participation in official measures ( negotiations, meetings, etc.) at the request of the general director.

An account also can be given if the result of negotiations, meeting and other official measures promote successful and quick achievement of scientific, informational, educational, administrative and other purposes of "Steklosoiuz" or if they are of the special professional interest for other officials and members of "Steklosoiuz".

Article 10.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz may receive presents without any restriction in value or number.

The fact of receiving presents should not influence or cause apparent influence on impartiality of the officials and members of "Steklosoiuz" . Otherwise, the question of presents should be fixed with the board of directors of "Steklosoiuz", the same thing should be done in case if it is regarded as a remuneration for performing official duties.

Article 11.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz " must show propriety and benevolence in their relationship with colleges regardless of their post.

Chapter 3. Observance of The Code and Sanctions.

Article 12.

Observance of the present code is a constituent part of the labour agreement of the officials and members of "Steklosoiuz"

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz must act in conformity with the present Code, make themselves familiar with any changes and additions and take necessary measures to fulfil its requirements.

Article 13.

A special committee of argumentation should be set up to examine any violation of the rules of the official conduct.

If an issue in law arises or if there are any elements of criminal activity in the violation that the problem is handed over to the authorities in conformity with the standards of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz take responsibility in conformity with the federal legislation for the loses caused to "Steklosoiuz" by their guilty activity (inactivity) and also for the consequences of the made decisions beyond their authority.

In case when several people share responsibility their responsibility before "Steklosoiuz" is joint.

The observed people are not released from responsibility if their decisions, activity inactivity entailing responsibility were made as a result of delegating their authority to other people , if nothing else is provided by the federal legislation.

Article 15.

Officials and members of "Steklosoiuz are released from responsibility if it is established that:

a) the violation of the rules of the official conduct is related to an improper performance of the duties of a higher official;

b) in the circumstances under consideration the higher official could foresee or have foreseen and have not taken action not to let actions or inactions violating the standards of the present Code take place.

Chapter 4.Final and transitional principles.

Article 16.

The Code of the conduct of the officials and members of the United National Council of The glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" is passed and confirmed by the common assembly of "Steklosoiuz". The decision of its conformation is passed by the common majority of votes.

Changes, additions to the present Code are inserted and confirmed at the common assembly of "Steklosoiuz in order provided by the regulation of the common assembly.

The Code comes into force after it is confirmed by the common assembly of "Steklosoiuz.

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