Quartz sands for the glass industry from TGOK Ilmenit JSC

Quartz sands for the glass industry from TGOK Ilmenit JSC

Dear colleagues!

A member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia - JSC "TGOK" Ilmenit "launched a new production in January 2022. Upon reaching the design capacity, TGOK Ilmenit JSC will annually produce 374 thousand tons of quartz sand for the glass industry from July 2022.

Quartz sands can be shipped to all regions of Russia both by rail and by road.

Glass sand produced by TGOK Ilmenit JSC complies with GOST 22551-2019, is supplied dry in bulk or packed in 1 tonne FIBCs.

TGOK Ilmenit JSC is ready to conclude contracts and supply test batches of glass sands.

Contacts for communication:

Olga Vasilchenko senior manager of the sales department of TGOK Ilmenit JSC

Tel.: +7 (3822) 511 902,

E-mail: Vasilchenko@ilmenite.ru

General contact details (open).

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