
I декада, апрель 2024. Динамика рынка ж/д отгрузок стекла
According to preliminary estimates, the shipment of glass by rail to the Russian market (domestic supplies + imports) in the first ten days of April 2024 continued to show positive dynamics relative to the same period last year – plus 9.0 percent.
Эдуард Таран инвестирует в инженерный проект студентов НГТУ (НЭТИ)
As part of the competitive selection, investment support in the amount of 700 thousand rubles from the President of RATM Holding Eduard Taran will receive an engineering startup project of students of the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU NETI), the result of which will be the development of a new product, prototype, prototype or software product.
В Приморье создадут экопромышленный парк по работе с вторсырьем
It is planned to put into operation an eco-industrial park in the Primorsky Territory by 2027 as part of the federal project “Circular Economy”. This was reported by the press service of the Russian Environmental Operator (REO). This is one of 8 parks that are being built in the country. Here residents will recycle waste and create new products.
Дагестан развивает стекольную промышленность
Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov positively assessed the work of the Makhachkala enterprise Stekloproekt LLC based on the results of an inspection of its production lines.
Анализ рынка листового и тарного стекла России. Февраль 2024
The company "GK Larta Glass" is a leader in the production of flat glass, producing 32.7 percent of all glass in the Russian Federation.
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
​The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia wishes you a Happy Birthday to: 04/20/2024 Mironov Alexey Vitalievich (“RASKO”)! 04/21/2024 Novikov Viktor Ivanovich (JSC Quartzite)! 04/22/2024 Kozhevnikov Alexander Vladimirovich (CJSC Utility)! Zhimalov Alexander Borisovich (JSC Saratov Institute of Glass)!
Астраханский завод стеклотары возобновляет работу после восьмилетнего перерыва
One of the oldest factories in the Astrakhan region, BM Astrakhansteklo, plans to expect first production in 3-4 weeks. More than 500 million rubles were invested in the project.
«Сибстекло» вступит в программу промышленного туризма Новосибирской области
​Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Siberian Glass LLC (“Sibsteklo”): On the excursion “Cycle of glass in a factory”, developed as a result of the participation of Siberian Glass LLC (Sibsteklo, one of the largest factories producing glass containers in Russia, an asset of RATM Holding) in the Industrial Tourism Accelerator, organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, invited representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region, the tourism industry and manufacturing enterprises.
Маловишерский стекольный завод запустит производство изоляторов для линий электропередачи
During his visit to the Malovishersky district, the governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin, visited the production site of the glass factory. Malovishersky Glass Factory LLC specializes in melting technical glass and producing products from it.
Вводится в действие новый межгосударственный стандарт по стеклянной упаковке
​Dear Colleagues! The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia received information that by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated September 22, 2023 No. 908-st comes into force on July 1, 2024 as the national standard GOST 33202–2023 (ISO 719:2020) “Glass packaging. Glass. Hydrolytic resistance of glass at 98 °C. Test method and classification”, instead of GOST Z3202–2014.
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