
Главное отраслевое событие осени - ежегодный международный Форум «Стекло и Современные Технологии – XXI»
Dear colleagues! December 14, 2023 The annual International Forum “Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI” will take place - the main annual industrial and educational event that brings together manufacturers and consumers in scientific and practical dialogue, searching for solutions to the educational process during a period of difficult economic policy of the state. Project organizers: - Association "StekloSouz" of Russia - Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D. Mendeleev
Линию по сортировке и переработке тарного стекла запустили в Нижнем Новгороде
Istok Group of Companies launched a line for sorting and processing container glass in Nizhny Novgorod. The opening took place on November 29, 2023. The line capacity is 15 tons per hour. As the organization’s general director Denis Tavrov said, the company invested 160 million rubles in its launch. It is planned that it will pay for itself in two to three years.
II декада, ноябрь 2023. Динамика рынка ж/д отгрузок стекла
The volume of glass shipments by rail to the Russian market (domestic supplies + imports) in the second ten days of November 2023 decreased compared to the same period last year - minus 9.2%.
14 декабря 2023г. состоится Международный Форум «Стекло и Современные Технологии – XXI»
Dear Colleagues! December 14, 2023 The 24th annual International Forum “Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI” will take place - the main annual industrial and educational event, uniting manufacturers and consumers in scientific and practical dialogue, searching for solutions to the educational process during a period of difficult economic policy of the state. Project organizers: - Association "StekloSouz" of Russia - Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D. Mendeleev
I декада, ноябрь 2023. Динамика рынка ж/д отгрузок стекла
The volume of glass shipments by rail to the Russian market (domestic supplies + imports) in the first ten days of November 2023 increased significantly compared to the same period last year - plus 80.6%. This growth occurred, on the one hand, due to the low base of last year, and on the other, due to significant growth in the current period.
Новосибирский завод «Сибстекло» увеличил долю вторсырья при производстве бутылок
Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about a member of the Association " StekloSouz" of Russia, Siberian Glass LLC (“Sibsteklo”): The Novosibirsk region is ahead of federal trends; secondary resources are increasingly being involved in industrial circulation.
«Технониколь» вложит более 1 млрд рублей в производство стекловолокна
​Technonikol intends to invest more than 1 billion rubles in 2024 in the development of the production of mineral insulation based on fiberglass, the company’s press service reported.
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia wishes Happy Birthday to Vitali Deperschmidt (Deperschmidt Handelsagentur)!
Приглашение на международный  Форум «Стекло и современные технологии – XXI» 14 декабря 2023г.
Dear Colleagues! We invite you to take part in the 24th annual international Forum “Glass and modern technologies - XXI”, which will be held on December 14, 2023, at the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. DI. Mendeleev at the address: Moscow, Miusskaya Square, 9, Big Assembly Hall (entrance from 1st Miusskaya Street, 3 / checkpoint).
В Гусь-Хрустальном планируют начать производство гибкого стекла
On Saturday, November 25, the Governor of the Vladimir Region, Alexander Avdeev, together with his colleagues, arrived on a working visit to the People's Republic of China. Alexander Avdeev visited the city of Bengbu, where a large scientific and laboratory cluster of the glass industry is located.
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