Spanish winemakers are faced with a shortage of bottles

Spanish winemakers are faced with a shortage of bottles

An unusual problem has arisen in Spain. Local wine producers will soon have nowhere to bottle their wines. According to El Mundo, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the supply chain has been disrupted.

Enterprises for the production of bottles, caps and even labels have not yet reached the previous level of production, and stocks in warehouses are not endless, moreover, they are already almost empty. "We have grapes, but no glass for bottles," says the head of the Spanish Wine Federation, Luis Benitez. According to him, a number of winemakers began to face difficulties in September.

According to some experts, the problems arose due to the fact that a significant part of the restrictions was lifted in Spain at once, and nightlife resumed. And the container manufacturers did not have time to re-hire the necessary number of workers to meet the demand. There are 13 glass factories in the country that produced 19 million bottles a day before the pandemic. Now the production volumes are less. And some winemakers are even forced to look for suppliers abroad.

As Bruno Torremocha of the Spanish Spirits Federation pointed out, there was a "toilet paper effect." At the very beginning of the pandemic, everyone rushed to buy it, fearing that it would end in stores. The same thing happened with bottles for wine and other alcoholic beverages (gin, rum, whiskey are imported into Spain and bottled already in the country).


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