A large-scale equipment upgrade is underway at the Aleksin glass factory «Glanit»

A large-scale equipment upgrade is underway at the Aleksin glass factory «Glanit»

For the first time in 12 years, a planned shutdown of the technological process took place in the main workshop No. 2 of Glanit JSC. This was done for a large-scale renovation of glass-melting equipment.

We were preparing for this event throughout the year. We are talking about a complete stopping of the furnace, which in glassmaking is associated with great difficulties. The old stove was dismantled and a completely new one was installed. Back at the beginning of April, the cars in workshop No. 2 were temporarily stopped, - said Sergey Pesotsky, senior adjuster of Glanit JSC, to Aleksinsky Vesti.

- This was required by the technical regulations for the maintenance of production equipment, which prescribes periodic updating of equipment, which, by the way, is supplied to the plant directly from Italy. Spare parts for cars, of course, were also purchased there. But we carried out the repairs without attracting foreign contractors. "

The renovation of the "heart" of the glass factory had to be carried out as soon as possible - in just 55 days. The process did not stop for a minute: not only the forces of the glass production workshop and auxiliary services of the enterprise were involved in the repair, but also four large Russian contractors serving glass factories in Russia. Already at the end of May, the updated equipment was restarted, the production in the shortest possible time returned to the previous indicators for the production of glass containers.

The Aleksinsky Glass Factory is one of the leading enterprises in the country for the production of glass containers, a number of its assortment is unique. Its production volumes are really impressive. The company produces almost a billion glassware units per year. More than 20 thousand tons of products per month. Among the regular customers are such well-known brands as Wim-bil-dan, the Baltika brewing company, the Russian Alcohol group of companies and many others. The production processes are certified and comply with safety requirements, the company has an environmental control service, employees in hazardous working conditions are provided with a full package of social guarantees.

Source: https://invest-tula.com/

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