Chagodoshchensky Glass Plant and Co LLC summed up the interim results of the implementation of the national project Labor Productivity

Chagodoshchensky Glass Plant and Co LLC summed up the interim results of the implementation of the national project Labor Productivity

In January 2022, a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia LLC "ChSZ and Co" launched the national project "Labor Productivity" together with the Regional Competence Center (RCC).

The Chagodoshchensky glass factory was founded in 1931. The convenient geographical location and the presence of the railway contributed to the dynamic development of the enterprise. Initially, the plant produced sheet glass, then mastered the production of bottles.

Now LLC ChSZ and Co is one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality glass containers in Russia for the beer, alcoholic beverage, food and other industries.

The enterprise formed a working group for the implementation of the project of 11 employees. The RCC experts, together with the working group, identified key issues affecting productivity:

High time costs for changing the product range.

Poor quality and untimely verification of control samples.

Uneven glass temperature when exiting the furnace.

The goals of the work have been digitized: in the next three months, it is planned to increase output per person by 27% and reduce the volume of work in progress by more than 2 times. To successfully achieve the goals, the company's working group was trained and an action plan for improvements was drawn up. Calculated performance indicators of employees have been developed and approved, a system for submitting and implementing proposals for improvements has been developed, and a 5c system has been introduced at workplaces.

Recall that the national project "Labor Productivity" was launched in 2018. To implement it, a regional competence center in the field of labor productivity was created on the basis of the Vologda business incubator in 2020.


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