Waste processing in the Moscow region is planned to be brought to the world level

Waste processing in the Moscow region is planned to be brought to the world level

Due to the widespread involvement of secondary waste in the Moscow Region, the amount of landfilled waste is planned to be reduced to 16% by the end of 2023, said Evgeny Khromushin, Vice Governor of the Moscow Region.

"The first standard that we have adopted is 50%. We believe that we can take on an ambitious task and at the end of 2023 reach the burial standard of 16%," Khromushin said during a meeting of the Governor of the Moscow Region with ministers and heads of districts.

According to him, it is planned to attract almost 6 billion rubles to the waste processing industry in the Moscow region within three years.

"We will create (in the field of Tuesday processing - IF) 1.5 thousand new jobs. (...) This means that another 2.6 million tons per year will not fall into the ground and can be used for consumer goods," - noted Khromushin.

Earlier it was reported that the share of waste disposal in the Moscow region is planned to be reduced to 50% by 2023.

It was supposed to achieve this indicator with the help of construction of modern waste processing facilities in the region.

Source: Interfax

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