Japanese enterprises ask for duties on potassium carbonate from South Korea

Japanese enterprises ask for duties on potassium carbonate from South Korea

An anti-dumping investigation into the import of potassium carbonate from South Korea was launched by the Japanese government, The Mainichi reports on June 29.

Such a measure was taken after a group of Japanese enterprises approached the authorities with a request for duties on April 30. According to the representatives of the group, cheap imports of this chemical from South Korea caused damage to domestic producers who had to lower their prices.

Anti-dumping duties on imports of potassium carbonate may be introduced after the audit, which is scheduled to be completed within one year, the Ministry of Finance and Trade of Japan said.

According to Japanese industrialists, imports from South Korea rose to 5,293 thousand tons in 2019 from 4,918 thousand tons in 2017.

Note potassium carbonate is used in the manufacture of glass for liquid crystal panels, as well as for the preparation of alkaline preparations that are added to ramen noodles.

Source: https://rossaprimavera.ru/

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