REO named three barriers to waste reform in the country

REO named three barriers to waste reform in the country

The head of the Russian environmental operator Denis Butsaev named three barriers that hinder the implementation of the waste management reform in Russia. This is the resistance of the business to the introduction of EPR (extended producer responsibility), the complex process of bringing money to investors and regions, as well as the insufficient spread of separate collection.

“One of the barriers is the resistance of the business to the adoption of the new concept of EPR. We have repeatedly discussed the draft law on extended producer responsibility, including with business representatives, and came to some kind of compromise. However, attempts to delay the adoption of the law still arise. And not only on the part of business, but also on the part of the authorities, ”Butsaev said.

According to the head of the REO, the adoption of the bill in the State Duma this year will help to end the disputes. Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko called it one of the priorities and indicated that after its adoption, as well as two other projects on SMR and industrial waste, the situation in the country will radically change from the situation, literally dividing into before and after.

“Another problem is bringing money to investors and regions. The process needs to be greatly simplified, but at the same time made transparent. Now, I will remind you that the money first goes to the Ministry of Natural Resources, then to the REO, and then to the investors, ”Butsaev said.

The head of the REO called the third condition for the implementation of the garbage reform to separate waste collection, which should become a habit of the majority of Russian residents. At the same time, citizens are already actively involved in the RNO, and the RER has begun to carry out extensive information and educational work in this direction.

Source: TV channel "360".

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