The Accounts Chamber called the garbage situation in Russia unfavorable

The Accounts Chamber called the garbage situation in Russia unfavorable

The waste situation remains unfavorable, despite the garbage reform, according to the report of the Accounts Chamber. More than 90% of garbage is still sent to landfills and landfills, no more than 7% of waste is recycled. At the same time, landfills often harm nature: they poison the air, water and soil.

At the same time, the auditors noted that it would not be possible to eliminate all landfills within the city boundaries (the president set such a goal), even if the Clean Country project is successfully implemented. It involves the elimination and reclamation of only 191 landfills. At the same time, according to Rosprirodnadzor, at the time of the launch of the national project "Ecology" there were 8323 landfills in the regions, of which 916 were in urban districts.

“The situation with the official training grounds is also close to critical. With the existing growth rates of MSW volumes (1–2% per year) in 32 regions, their capacities will be exhausted by 2024, and in 17 of them - by 2022. Moreover, most regions simply do not have the opportunity to create new landfills, ”the report says.

As Kommersant previously reported, 11 Russian regions were on the verge of a “garbage” collapse: there will be enough space in legal landfills for less than a year. These territories include Kamchatka, Buryatia, Yakutia, Trans-Baikal and Krasnodar Territories, as well as Omsk and Volgograd Regions. This follows from the draft federal thermal scheme, developed by the state company "Russian Ecological Operator". However, the regions until 2023 have the opportunity to use landfills for garbage disposal that do not meet all environmental and technical requirements.


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