«Sibsteklo» will reduce the transport footprint when transporting mineral resources by half

«Sibsteklo» will reduce the transport footprint when transporting mineral resources by half

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Siberian Glass LLC (“Sibsteklo”):

Sibirskoye Steklo LLC (Sibsteklo, one of the leading enterprises producing glass containers in Russia, an asset of RATM Holding) switched to using sand from Siberia, which became possible thanks to the optimization of purchases and supplies - this was stated by the President of RATM Holding Eduard Taran.

Thus, the transportation time for one of the main components (up to 70% of the glass batch) for the manufacture of glass containers was reduced from 16 days to one, and the route was reduced by 2.3 thousand km. Let us remind you that since 2022, Sibsteklo has been replacing quartz sand with low iron content, purchased in the European part of Russia, with Siberian sand. At the enterprise, it is enriched (using magnetic separators) to meet the required characteristics. Currently, 90% of the sand used in glass complexes comes from the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions. In addition, local raw materials at Sibstekl replaced feldspar from the Sverdlovsk region, and dolomite, previously purchased in North Ossetia, is now brought from the Kemerovo region.

According to Eduard Taran, cooperation with mining companies from the regions of the Siberian Federal District will allow Sibstekl to reduce its transport footprint in mineral resource supply chains by 51%. In addition, the plant will increase operational efficiency, which, in turn, will have a restraining effect on the growth of production costs caused by the rise in prices for railway transportation, raw materials, imported spare parts for equipment, the logistics of which have lengthened.

“The formation of new approaches to procurement management provides both cost savings and strategic advantages in the context of sustainable development,” notes Eduard Taran. – Sibstekla’s tasks are large-scale and correspond to the key priorities of the national project “Ecology”. By the end of 2024, the share of recycled resources in the production of glass containers should reach 80%: the company expects to create sustainable algorithms for collecting glass waste in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located beyond the Urals. First of all, through interaction with executive authorities, taking part in the creation of a new MSW management system.

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