Stavropol manufacturers of glass containers have expanded the geography of product sales

Stavropol manufacturers of glass containers have expanded the geography of product sales

Stavropol manufacturers of glass containers have expanded the market for their products. The Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov told about this on Monday, September 7 on his Instargam-page.

The Stavropol Territory is a stable supplier of glass containers to many regions of the country, - noted the region's achievements in this area, the governor of the region Vladimir Vladimirov. The Stavropol Territory provides more than four dozen regions of the Russian Federation with canning jars alone, the head of the region said on his Instagram.

In particular, Vladimir Vladimirov spoke about the launch of the production of new products at the Steklotara plant, which produces three-liter containers for food products. The enterprise is expanding its sales markets and this year it has started supplying products to the neighboring Astrakhan region, Kalmykia, as well as to the Republic of Tatarstan.

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