Scientists have solved the secret of the abnormal strength of glass

Scientists have solved the secret of the abnormal strength of glass

The reason for the high strength of glass is revealed, which contradicts the laws of physics and boasts a whole list of unique properties. A rigid frame is formed even before the substance cools completely, scientists said.

When studying the molecular composition of glass, scientists came to the conclusion that it should be technically not as tough and durable as it is. Scientists at Shanghai University studied it using a computer model to figure out how atoms are held, since the structure is usually ordered. According to calculations, the frame formed before cooling meets the percolation threshold when the mesh is dense enough to maintain the strength of the entire material. The moment it contracts to form a solid, scientists describe it as a "blocked system." At zero temperature, such a system, against the background of some compositional features, will begin to show stress correlation. This principle is justified for glass, including before it has completely cooled down. For this comparison, a team of physicists, with the participation of Hua Tong, decided to use computer simulations.


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